"I come to the healing arts by way of my own healing."
I came to the healing arts in 2005 when, as part of my marriage vows, I committed to keeping pace with my spouse Jonathan's prior inner work and healing training, which was what made me fall in love with him. I trust I'm keeping my word.
My training began with the IM Mystery School of NYC & Ithaca (now closed) and hospice. It continued with MotherWoman (now Group Peer Support) then with both levels of Path of the Healer Apprenticeship in Wholeness Energetics, Death Seedling Life's Fellowship in Grief & Death, plus additional programs, while continuing my inner work and metaphysical study.
My path has included a prior 20+ year career in education, mostly teaching college-level academic writing with a social justice theme, and later-life marriage & children with one of my oldest friends. It's included genetics making me appear perhaps younger than my lived experience: I was born in 1970. It's included relocating from western Mass to the mountains of North Carolina to share life with our only siblings in 2108 and caretaking the family medical practice Mountain Medical Arts as of 2022. My healing opportunities have included prolonged postpartum crisis, an autoimmune disorder, codependency, trauma recovery, renegotiating family-of-origin relationships, the effects of many generations' wounds on me, enough resilience to break some cycles, and enough privilege to pursue many modalities instead of just survive. But much of who I am now is because of our teen son's death by suicide in 2022, my initiation into profound loss, but also the opening of the capacity in me to hold all kinds of losses for others.
I come to the healing arts knowing I can heal only myself. But that I can support your own healing by joining with you, along one of the many paths up the mountain. And that together, we can move mountains. I can attest to the many humbling tests and lettings-go these paths seems to entail. I too experience the perpetual choice of what some say is the only choice, each and every moment: between fear or trust.
I welcome you wherever you may be in your healing journey, as calls for healing can show up anywhere, from conflict or yearning in roles and relationships to professional or artistic quandaries and pursuits, from psychological struggles or trauma to physical ailments or illness, even from practical challenges to metaphysical quests. Together, we journey further up these paths, toward our own healing, toward the home of our highest and best Self.