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Group Peer Support Events & Series:

Stepping into our Wholeness:
All Parts of Ourselves Welcomed

We tend to think of ourselves in the singular "I." But what if the self may be more of a collective "we": a micro-cosmos even beyond the physical level and into the psycho-spiritual and metaphysical levels? What parts of ourselves may we have already invited into our consciousness, and which may yet surprise us? I'd like to invite curious women-identifying into a 6-week series that's a combination of short optional readings, teachings, sharing using the Group Peer Support model, and group healings using the Wholeness Energetics modality, all for only slightly more than the cost of one Personal WE Session. Proposed themes include ego & Higher Self, body & Soul, shadow & golden shadow, Loyal Soldier & Wounded Child, animals & ancestors, archetypes,  false identities, and other lifetimes: some concepts that otherwise may not be put in our paths. I'd also like to include some dancing, just for the sake of play & joy! It's my pleasure to  invite what perspectives and experiences each of us may bring to co-create the learning, enjoy a unique bond among all of us participating, accelerate our unfolding, and allow our rising tide to lift all of our ships.  Series postponed from Fall 2024 to Winter 2025 due to Hurricane Helene.

Event Dates: 6 Sundays January 26th-March 2nd, 2025
with March 9th as makeup day, as needed
Time: 2-5pm

Venue: in person at Mountain Medical Arts, Burnsville
Cost: $128-$198 donation per participant
10% shared with local teen nonprofit THRIVE

5 of 12 places currently available
Reserve Your Place with payment by noon Saturday, January 25th
Contact Me if interested
in this series now or in future via Zoom

Stepping into our Wholeness Series
Intention Map at Returning Home Healin

Community Event:

New Year’s Intention Mapping Celebrations


Gather magazines from last year, your wants for this year, and collage your heart’s desire. Since 2013, I've been hosting this reflective process among kindred spirits early Januarystarting with blank poster board, unsure really of what I want for myself for the new year, then after perusing magazines together, talking, and ripping out images and words that resonate, direction becomes clearer... and so do I. Though I’ve loved hosting at Mount Mitchell Eco Retreat and at our public library, I thought to experiment with more comfort this year, bringing into my home as many of you as I can fit, and inviting via Zoom as many of you who’d still like incentive to map and in community, but without having to leave your home. Arrive at publicized time, stay as suits you. Poster board,  magazines and supplies provided, but bring your own if you like or if Zooming in.  See this page for more.


Please share with those you know may love this:
2025 New Year’s Intention Mapping
Make your new 2025 map, and in good company.

Event Date: Sunday, January 12th, 2025
Zoom Time: 12:30-3:30pm
In-Person Time: 1:15-4:30pm
Venue: Jenn's Celo Home & Zoom hybrid
for those near & far

For details & to RSVP w payment by noon the Saturday prior,
click here.


Group Peer Support Events & Series:

Yancey Co. Lightworkers Gatherings

Since moving here in 2018, I've looked forward to meeting this tribe. And in April 2022 timing was finally right to initiate it. This group is for those living in or serving Yancey County who understand as our daily purpose the embodying of the Light, as best we can, for our own healing and that of everything we ripple out to, no matter how else our work in the world may look. For those of us also trained or experienced in ancient metaphysical arts or modern energy medicine, the group may offer local collegial support like a guild. For those of us also identifying as seekers or mystics, the group may offer a welcomed space to connect with those like-minded. We hold the term "lightworker" lightly, knowing it to be only an ego identification and a way we help find one another. Susan Lepidi has graciously agreed to co-facilitate with me. We've committed to hosting quarterly Sunday gatherings, ideally around the equinoxes, to amplifying our collective Light through meditation and to support one another in a safe, confidential sharing circle. Our hope is that members initiate get-togethers beyond these dates as ways to get to know one another better and to share modalities we practice.

Event Dates: Sunday Mornings Quarterly
March 17, 2024
June 23, 2024
September 22, 2024
December 15, 2024

Hosts: Mt Mitchell Eco Retreat

Contact Me below if interested 

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Group Healing Experiences:

Sampling Wholeness Energetics

Come learn if this energy medicine modality may be a fit for you. Or just come to bask in the glow of collective healing. We’ll use muscle testing (Applied Kinesiology) to select a member most representative of group needs for a Wholeness Energetics (WE) session demo, with the possibility that as one heals, we all heal. These intimate group healing experiences may be an affordable way to experience this modality, before or instead of a scheduled Personal or Relationship/Couples Wholeness Energetics session. Event is not suited for processing trauma, but it is trauma-informed, with a safe & confidential  Group Peer Support container offered.
Seeking hosts to initiate a WE group healing with friends in your own home or online: like a metaphysical Tupperware party! 
Minimum 6 participants.  A unique way to deepen connections & heal together.

Event Dates: To Be Announced
Venue: Mountain Medical Arts or Elsewhere
Cost: Donation 
Contact Me if interested



Transforming Into Your Best Self

Tools of the Trade Workshops:

Bring your curiosity and willingness to venture beyond the norm. And if the workshop is also a  "Girls' Night In," bring a woman dear to you: girlfriend, mother, sister, daughter, mentor, mentee. Share an introduction to one or more foundational concepts to Wholeness Energetics:  muscle testing (Applied Kinesiology), ego vs. higher Self, goal writing, chakras, energy bodies. Learn how there may be more to us than there seems and how we may better tap these resources, especially for the purpose of getting more out of our own ways and transforming into our highest and best selves. Confidentiality offered. An intimate, safe gathering. Typically limited to 8 participants. Typically scheduled First Fridays of the month. Typically public and announced, but private parties may also be arranged.

Event Dates: Friday Evenings or Sunday Afternoons
To Be Announced
Venue: Mountain Medical Arts or Elsewhere
Cost: Donation 

Contact Me if interested

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Group Peer Support Events & Series:

Weller's Wild Edge of Sorrow Series

Amid fear of world war, atop years of global pandemic, political divide, and environmental warnings, what if one way we could help would be getting more out of our own ways so that more of our own Light could help ourselves and hence others? What if raising our awareness about what grief we've been carrying, personally and collectively, could lighten not only our own load but also one another's? What if we dared walk bravely into griefs we've hidden in our shadows, shame, and isolation? And found, beyond pain and loss, grief's ancient, sacred, restorative, and connective power?
I’m remembering what soul activist Frances Weller in The Wild Edge of Sorrow (2015) calls “undigested sorrows,” their “growing weight…unattended,” their physical and emotional consequences, plus his encouragement to remember "our indigenous soul" and that “community can be the holding space for our most painful stories.”

Series Dates: April 14th - May 26th, 2022
Venue: Zoom
Future Series To Be Announced
Contact Me if interested

The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron

Group Peer Support Events & Series:

Cameron's The Artist's Way  Series

For over 25 years, Julia Cameron's renown book The Artist's Way has offered a tried and true path toward creative recovery: in essence how likewise to get more out of our own ways so that we may better serve our highest purpose. Cameron's 12-step program involves a 7-10 hour commitment per week: Sunday reading a chapter of Cameron’s book and speed-writing through creative exercises at about 1-2 hours, then daily "Morning Pages" at about 45 minutes, and a weekly "Artist Date” of 2 hours for solo self-care play time.  Our Celo Cabin Fever University series would add “Sacred Circle Cluster Groups” of 2 hours weekly, Thursday afternoons, to share our exercises, deepen our relationships, and support each other. For the brave who are ready to step up, perhaps as a New Year's Intention, sign on to this semester-like series, forge precious connections with fellow travelers, and invite your own transformation. BYOBook: Cameron's The Artist's Way: 25th Anniversary Edition.

Series Dates: January 17th - April 25th, 2019
Venue: Celo Community Center
Cabin Fever University 2019

3-Year Cluster Group Reunion: Thursday: April 7th, 2022

Future Series To Be Announced
Contact Me if interested

"I have been haunted for years by the trauma of my birth experience... During our session, through words, touch, and a healing connection that felt almost spiritual, she gave attention to those wordless parts of myself that needed nurturing so badly. My body and mind seemed to enter another time:  I was back in that birth experience, but I was being loved and cared for and nurtured and healed in a way that honestly took my breath away. The experience touched me deeply, and while it didn’t magically 'fix' anything, I feel that it opened the door to healing. When I continue to work on this trauma in therapy, I feel better able to access the parts that need to be healed, and more in touch with what I need to truly heal them.  My work with Jenn changed me profoundly in ways that I am still realizing. She has a true gift for this work, and I feel blessed and grateful for this opportunity to work with her."

- N., teacher, fertility-challenged and two-mom parent, agnostic

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